Achilles Tendinitis is one of the most common running injuries out there. It is also one of the most difficult to overcome. Research studies suggest that many …
[Read more...] about Overcoming Achilles Tendinitis | Mike’s Story
Helping Runners Overcome Injuries and Smash PRs
Achilles Tendinitis is one of the most common running injuries out there. It is also one of the most difficult to overcome. Research studies suggest that many …
[Read more...] about Overcoming Achilles Tendinitis | Mike’s Story
Achilles tendon pain is one of the most common and persistent running injuries. Many runners experience Achilles tendon pain after particularly long or hard …
[Read more...] about Achilles Tendon Pain in Runners | E17 with Myles Murphy, Physiotherapist
Patella Tendonitis will usually present as pain on the inferior pole of the patella (kneecap). The inferior pole is the very bottom edge of the kneecap. Patella …
[Read more...] about How to fix Patella Tendonitis in Runners
Subscribe to The Adaptive Zone Podcast... "Tendons hurt when they are not strong enough to do their job" Tendon pain usually affects runners in the …
Pain just behind the ankle bone is commonly related to the peroneal tendons. These tendons come from the peroneal muscles that help support …
Achilles pain with running is a very common problem. It is often referred to as Achilles tendinitis. This term is a little outdated now and the more correct …
Tendonitis in runners is an extremely stubborn problem. It is usually experienced as focul (small area) pain within the tendon itself. The Achilles, patellar, …
Some of the most common running injuries include patellofemoral pain (runner’s knee), plantar fasciopathy, shin splints, Iliotibial Band (ITB) syndrome, …
[Read more...] about How to Use Running to Treat Overuse Injuries
Are you getting shoulder pain during bench press workouts? It's really common and there are some simple things you can do today to reduce the pain and allow you …
[Read more...] about Shoulder pain during bench press: 4 things you can do about it today
Achilles Tendonitis is felt as pain in the Achilles tendon which is the long tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. The pathology of Achilles …
[Read more...] about Achilles Tendonitis From Running: 7 Things You Can Do About it Today
I am a Registered Physiotherapist within the province of Alberta, Canada only.
Any online consultations with individuals located outside of Alberta will be in my capacity as a Certified Running Coach. I do not provide Physiotherapy or injury rehabilitation services to anyone located outside of Alberta, Canada.