None of us want to be fragile. Especially not when it comes to running. So what's the opposite of fragile? "If a glass is fragile, give me an example of …
[Read more...] about What is an Anti-Fragile Runner? | E15 with Merv Travers PhD
We Help Injured Runners Get Back to Running
None of us want to be fragile. Especially not when it comes to running. So what's the opposite of fragile? "If a glass is fragile, give me an example of …
[Read more...] about What is an Anti-Fragile Runner? | E15 with Merv Travers PhD
The Nike Vaporfly and its descendants, the Next% and Alphafly, have revolutionized the running landscape. In recent years we have seen new world records set in …
Subscribe to The Adaptive Zone Podcast... "Tendons hurt when they are not strong enough to do their job" Tendon pain usually affects runners in the …
Tendon pain (aka tendonitis) is really common among runners, swimmers and cyclists. Runners are often affected at the Achilles tendon in the heel or the …
Questions this week from Shayne... Hey Matthew hope all is well! I was wondering where do you find groups to bike and swim with to help teach …
[Read more...] about Swim Clubs for Dummies | E7 with Candace Elliott, Physiotherapist
What is Overstriding Running? Overstriding running is when your foot lands too far out in front of your centre of mass when you run. This creates a braking …
There have been lots of studies investigating how running technique relates to injury. Recently some researchers from Madrid looked at the research to date and …
[Read more...] about What Running Technique Errors cause Injury?
What is "dynamic knee valgus" anyway? Dynamic knee valgus is a term we use to describe the knee coming in towards the midline. If you take a slow motion …
Running marathons gives you knee arthritis doesn't it? Well, a new study from The University College London suggests it might actually be good for your knee …
[Read more...] about Running Marathons is Good for your Knees?
What is Pronation? I just tried googling this term. All of the top 5 links were discussing how “overpronation” causes injuries and claiming that selecting …
Recommended Long-TermQuads and Gluts strengtheningRunning Technique - forefoot strike, increase cadence, reduce hip adductionShort-TermTapingOrthotics if …
[Read more...] about Runners Knee Clinical Practice Guideline Review
Have you ever had a running injury? Good, then you’re a runner. 50-80% of runners will get injured in any given year (Van Gent 2007). Running injuries are an …
Are you getting heel pain when running? Or in the first few steps out of bed in the morning? If so then you may be suffering from the dreaded Plantar Fasciitis. …
Achilles pain with running is a very common problem. It is often referred to as Achilles tendinitis. This term is a little outdated now and the more correct …
Tendonitis in runners is an extremely stubborn problem. It is usually experienced as focul (small area) pain within the tendon itself. The Achilles, patellar, …
Tendonitis is also known as tendinitis, tendinopathy, tendonopathy, tendinosis or tendonosis. Confusing eh? It’s a common problem for runners. Here are some of …
In Part One of this series we looked at the pathology of shin splints and talked about some of the factors that can lead to you being more likely develop the …
[Read more...] about Running Technique Changes for Shin Splints
IT Band Syndrome is a sharp pain in the side of your knee. It is sometimes called Runner’s Knee but that term is usually more commonly used to refer to pain in …
The term runner’s knee usually refers to pain coming from the back of your patella (kneecap). The medical term is patellofemoral pain. Pain usually comes on …
Running injuries suck. We all know that. However, just because you’re injured doesn’t mean you can’t continue training for that upcoming race. In this article …
I am a Registered Physiotherapist within the province of Alberta, Canada only.
Any online consultations with individuals located outside of Alberta will be in my capacity as a Certified Running Coach. I do not provide Physiotherapy or injury rehabilitation services to anyone located outside of Alberta, Canada.