Shoulder pain with swimming is often referred to as Swimmer's Shoulder. It's a fairly common problem among swimmers and even some triathletes. So what is …
[Read more...] about What is Swimmer’s Shoulder | E20 with Jo Gibson, Physiotherapist
We Help Injured Runners Get Back to Running
Shoulder pain with swimming is often referred to as Swimmer's Shoulder. It's a fairly common problem among swimmers and even some triathletes. So what is …
[Read more...] about What is Swimmer’s Shoulder | E20 with Jo Gibson, Physiotherapist
"Bad News Hun, the Doc says it's bone on bone..." Have you been told you should quit running because of hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA)? That it's bone on …
Runner's knee refers to a bunch of different conditions that cause knee pain in runners. However, it is most commonly used in reference to patellofemoral pain. …
[Read more...] about Runners Knee and Obesity | E18 with Amanda Schennato
Achilles tendon pain is one of the most common and persistent running injuries. Many runners experience Achilles tendon pain after particularly long or hard …
[Read more...] about Achilles Tendon Pain in Runners | E17 with Myles Murphy, Physiotherapist
"If I keep running, will I be causing more damage?" I think all runners have asked themselves this question at some point. If you have knee pain, and your …
[Read more...] about Pain does not equal Damage | E16 with Mike Stewart, Physiotherapist
Patella Tendonitis will usually present as pain on the inferior pole of the patella (kneecap). The inferior pole is the very bottom edge of the kneecap. Patella …
[Read more...] about How to fix Patella Tendonitis in Runners
If I had a dime for every time I'd heard that! I don't actually know how much a dime is, being English and all. I'm guessing it's something to do with "10"...10 …
Thanks to a wonderful review from Rich Willy and his colleagues we know that we have Grade A evidence that strength training is beneficial for runner's knee. We …
None of us want to be fragile. Especially not when it comes to running. So what's the opposite of fragile? "If a glass is fragile, give me an example of …
[Read more...] about What is an Anti-Fragile Runner? | E15 with Merv Travers PhD
The Nike Vaporfly and its descendants, the Next% and Alphafly, have revolutionized the running landscape. In recent years we have seen new world records set in …
Subscribe to The Adaptive Zone Podcast... What do you consider when buying running shoes? Research shows that most runners think getting the "correct shoe" …
[Read more...] about How to choose your Running Shoes | E13 with Dr Codi Ramsey PhD
Subscribe to The Adaptive Zone Podcast... Discussed in this episode... Are diets a good idea for endurance athletes?How to fuel your workoutsDiet vs …
Subscribe to The Adaptive Zone Podcast... "Tendons hurt when they are not strong enough to do their job" Tendon pain usually affects runners in the …
Tendon pain (aka tendonitis) is really common among runners, swimmers and cyclists. Runners are often affected at the Achilles tendon in the heel or the …
Subscribe to the Podcast... Triathlon clubs help you learn all those little things that you would never think of. "Bring two pairs of goggles to a race" …
[Read more...] about Triathlon Clubs for Dummies | E9 with Teresa Harrison, Triathlon Coach
Run Clubs are an awesome way for newbie runners to stay accountable and motivated while making friends and learning the dos and don'ts of running. Matthew David …
[Read more...] about Run Clubs for Dummies | E8 with Matthew David
Questions this week from Shayne... Hey Matthew hope all is well! I was wondering where do you find groups to bike and swim with to help teach …
[Read more...] about Swim Clubs for Dummies | E7 with Candace Elliott, Physiotherapist
Questions this week from Warren... Another friend of mine has started running again after 6 months off. He is struggling a bit with shin splints. How much …
Hi Matthew,I have two questions for you that I hope you could try to answer, both relating to two different friends of mine. 1. When analyzing the heart rate …
In this episode I discuss how to do your own "DIY Running Technique Screen". Questions this week come from Celia... Hi Matthew,I am really enjoying your …
I am a Registered Physiotherapist within the province of Alberta, Canada only.
Any online consultations with individuals located outside of Alberta will be in my capacity as a Certified Running Coach. I do not provide Physiotherapy or injury rehabilitation services to anyone located outside of Alberta, Canada.