Symptoms of perimenopause can start as early as your 30s. They can include irregular periods, hot flashes, sleep problems, mood changes, bladder problems, …
Carb Loading for Marathons
Some common mistakes runners make when carb loading for marathons include focusing too much on the night before, including foods that contain high amounts of …
How do you Hydrate for Running?
Do you suffer from cramps? Do you perform poorly when running in the heat? Ever experienced a kind of malaise that leaves you unable to hold your pace? Have you …
Running to Lose Weight? Avoid these Mistakes
Today, we're chatting with Stephanie Small about Running to Lose Weight. Steph is a Registered Dietician who specializes in helping recreational and competitive …
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How to get into Adventure Racing
Looking for an exciting new challenge? Feel like a marathon or an Ironman might be a little bit easy? Adventure Racing might be for you! In today's episode …
Irregular Periods in Female Runners
Irregular periods are extremely common among female runners. However, just because something is common, it doesn't mean that it's normal. Menstrual cycle …
What is Good Running Form?
Good Running Form Running form varies wildly from runner to runner. So how do you know if you have good running form? There are many, many people on the …
Can I keep Running Through Pain?
Can I just keep running through the pain? This must be one of the most common questions I hear as a Physiotherapist. The shorter answer is, actually, yeh, …
Hansons Marathon Method
Hansons Marathon Method Hansons Marathon Method tosses out mega-long runs and high-mileage weekends—two old-fashioned running traditions that often injure …
What are the Best Strength Exercises for Runners?
Nowadays most runners know that including strength training in their program is likely to improve their performance. However, most runners aren't actually doing …
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Running Heart Rate Zones 101
Why are my Running Heart Rate Zones not accurate? Have you ever wondered why the running heart rate zones on your GPS watch or running app seem way off? So, …
Top 4 Running Form Tips based on Evidence | with Tom Goom, Physiotherapist
There is certainly no shortage of "advice" out there about running form. If your social media habits are anything like mine, you can't scroll down your feed …
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Understanding Training Zones for Running and Cycling with Nick Jankovskis, Sport Scientist
Are you confused by Training Zones? Me too! There are many different systems out there that you can use to determine your training zones. These can be based …
Is Periodization applicable to Recreational Athletes? | with Craig Schmitt, Physiotherapist & Triathlon Coach
Periodization is an idea that has been around since the middle of the 20th century. If you listen to any other endurance-themed podcasts like this one, I'm sure …
Fuelling your Training: Understanding glycogen metabolism with Bob Murray PhD
Hitting the wall is an experience most runners and triathletes are familiar with. Sometimes it's mild. Your energy feels totally drained and you want to stop. …
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The 10k: A Tale of Lactate Threshold
Working with runners every day, you start to notice patterns. When I ask my clients about their training, there is an extremely common pattern. Most runners are …
The 5k: A Tale of Three Energy Systems
A few years back my cousin, Adrian, invited me to do a Park Run. Park Runs are a popular event in the UK. Each weekend runners line up for a 5k race in parks …
What Causes Running Injuries? | E23 with Jason Tuori, Physical Therapist & Running Coach
Every runner gets injured at some point. Estimates on how often runners get injured vary, depending on which study you read. In any given year it is estimated …
Strength Training for Knee Osteoarthritis | E22 with Dr. Claire Minshull, Rehabilitation and Conditioning Specialist
So you love to run, but now you've got the news that you have knee osteoarthritis. You thought it was the end of your running career but you stumbled across a …
Osteitis Pubis: Pubic Bone Pain in Runners
Osteitis Pubis is a relatively uncommon cause of pubic bone pain in runners. However, when it occurs it can be a real nightmare to get rid of it. A few months …
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